ISA² - Interoperability solutions for public administrations, businesses and citizens



The Executive Agency for SMEs (EASME), and in particular the team that is part of the European Innovation Council (EIC) Task Force, joined forces with our Joinup solution team to create a new platform EIC COVID-19 that entered a soft launch on 13 May.


This year’s edition of EU Datathon received 121 applications, which is the biggest number yet. The competition was open for applications over 10 weeks and is now ready to move to the following stage. The applicants had to submit a proposal in line with one of the four challenges and use open data made available by EU institutions, agencies and bodies. 


TESTA contributes to the EU-wide fight against cross-border crime and terrorism and will facilitate faster exchange of non-EU nationals’ criminal record. 


The coronavirus affects our society and brings along many challenges to everyone's professional and personal lives. Colleagues from the European Commission’s Directorate for Informatics and several other services along with the Joinup, National Interoperability Framework Observatory, and Open Source Observatory teams have joined forces to create a new collection of solutions and initiatives that help fight against the coronavirus: Digital Response to COVID-19.


A new study "The Role of Digital Government in the European Semester process 2019" is now available. The report was published on 16 April within the framework of the “National Interoperability Framework Observatory (NIFO)" Action of the ISA² Programme.


The European Interoperability Framework (EIF) government report on Interoperability Solutions for Public Administrations, Businesses and Citizens is now published. This study was carried out under the ISA² Programme with the objective to support the development of digital solutions that enable public administrations, businesses and citizens in Europe to benefit from interoperable cross-border and cross-sector public services. 


During the Covid-19 pandemic, Eurostat and the National Statistical Institutes (NSIs) are doing their best to continue publishing relevant statistics of the highest quality. All efforts are concentrated on providing European statistics that show the changing situation from March 2020 onwards and are most needed to tackle the implications of the Covid-19 outbreak.


The European Commission and North Macedonia have signed an agreement, granting the country access to the EU programme to develop and share solutions for digital public administrations. 


In 2019, the Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs commissioned a study on the uptake of emerging technologies in public procurement. This study explored how public authorities around the globe are using new technologies when procuring goods and services. The results of the Digital Transformation of Public Procurement study are now publicly available online. 

Access to Base Registries

The Cartography of Reusable Solutions for Base Registries Interconnection – available as ABR Catalogue of Solutions on Joinup – provides information on more than 120 solutions from European Union (EU) institutions and other organisations, EU Member States (MS) and other countries, aiming to inspire people working on base registries and to facilitate re-use of suitable solutions.

Open PM2 conference

The European Commission is now releasing the presentation with training material from the one-day course called Project Management Methodology Essentials to further support institutions, organizations and European citizens in understanding the methodology and use it as appropriate.

standard-based archival data management

Archival institutions searching for IT solutions to support their business activities often consider the organisation of proofs of concepts to identify the best tools. Within the Standards-based archival data management action supported by the ISA² programme, a methodology has been identified to guide institutions through this complex process.


As the outbreak of the novel Coronavirus intensifies, crisis response coordination at European level is enhanced by civil protection cooperation and development of EU emergency response capacity ensured by the Emergency Response Coordination Centre (ERCC). TESTA allows real time exchange of information between the ERCC and the contact points of the Member States through the Common Emergency Communication and Information System (CECIS).


The European Commission has adopted the 2020 revision of the ISA² rolling work programme on 4 March 2020. The new work programme includes 54 actions, all of them are ongoing from previous years. For 17 actions, no additional funding is necessary to ensure their completion. The budget for 2020 is €27.8 million.

Digital EU

Last week, the European Commission unveiled its new digital package with ideas and actions for a digital transformation in Europe. This package includes the strategic document Shaping Europe's digital future, European strategy for data and White Paper on Artificial Intelligence. Interoperability is mentioned as one of the key aspects.


The new Joinup community on Better legislation for smoother implementation is now launched! Whether you are an EU or national policy maker, public service manager, IT specialist, data scientist, IT architect or simply you are curious about the way legislation could foster the effective implementation of public policies, this community is for you. 


TESTA, a data communication network service supported by ISA², facilitates the cross-border exchange of health data between EU countries. Thanks to TESTA, Europeans can get their medication in another EU country, and in case of emergency while travelling abroad, doctors can give better care by accessing the patient's past health records.


The fourth edition of EU Datathon, the open data competition, has been launched on 19 February. This is your chance to demonstrate the potential that open data present in today’s society and, of course, your creativity and talent! It is also your chance to claim your share of the total prize fund amounting to €100 000. The event is supported by ISA². 


Gertrud Ingestad, Director General for Informatics at the European Commission, has presented the ISA² programme interim evaluation results to the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) and discussed the digital transformation of European public administrations with members of the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) at the European Parliament in Brussels on 18 February.  


The Single Interoperability Assessment Gateway (SIAG) provides a single point of access to all ISA² interoperability assessment solutions. These solutions help public administrations to design, develop, implement, evaluate and to improve the interoperability of their digital public services and their various components.
