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4th EU Datathon attracts 121 proposals for application development

This year’s edition of EU Datathon received 121 applications, which is the biggest number yet. The competition was open for applications over 10 weeks and is now ready to move to the following stage. The applicants had to submit a proposal in line with one of the four challenges and use open data made available by EU institutions, agencies and bodies. 

EU Datathon has grown in popularity over the past years since the first edition in 2017 which received 34 applications. It has increased its reach too: applications came from 36 countries this year, 9 more than in 2019.

Of the four challenges this year, most applicants selected ‘A Europe fit for the digital age’. This category attracted 52 proposals. The other categories were ‘A European Green Deal’, ‘A new push for European democracy’ and ‘An economy that works for people’. 

This year’s EU Datathon is organised in close collaboration with the Commission’s General Directorate for Regional and Urban Policy, with challenges that include EU and regional data. The final phase will also take place within the framework of the European Week of the Regions and Cities. 

This will enable participants at the forum to follow presentations of the applications by the finalists from 13 to 15 October. They will also be able to test and to vote on their favourite applications through a public choice award. 

Proposals were also welcome for solutions to help tackle the issues arising from COVID-19, as long as they addressed one of the four challenges. 17 teams chose to address the crisis in their proposal. 

With 121 applications received, the jury is now assessing the proposals to pre-select a list of 12 finalists. These teams will be invited to develop their applications over 19 weeks. The final applications within each challenge will then be evaluated on 15 October 2020 during the final EU Datathon event by one jury, composed of experts from within and outside the EU institutions, bodies and agencies.

Wednesday, 20 May, 2020