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Cioloş discusses the future of the EU Agricultural Policy with his Polish counterpart

Dacian Ciolos and Marek Sawicki on the right and Marek Sawicki on the right

EU Commissioner Dacian Cioloş met Marek Sawicki, Polish Minister for Agriculture and Rural Development, in Brussels on April 15 to discuss the Commissioner's upcoming visit in Poland on the 11th May in the context of the debate on the future of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).

During the meeting, the future of the CAP was discussed and Marek Sawicki welcomed the launch of the public debate on this subject. The Polish Minister for Agriculture welcomed the Commissioner's comments on the need to define a new objective and fair criteria for the distribution of the European agricultural funds among the different Member States, regions and farmers. Sawicki underlined that historical criteria cannot be justified post-2013 scenario. Both men recalled that Poland holds the EU Presidency in the second half of 2011, which will be a key moment as the negotiations on the Commission's legislative proposals get under way.

At the start of the meeting, Dacian Cioloş gave his condolences to the people of Poland for the tragic plane crash last week.

Last update: 01/04/2015 |  Top