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State aid: Commission authorises temporary UK scheme to grant limited amounts of aid of up to €15,000 to farmers


The European Commission authorised a UK scheme with a budget of approximately £20 million (€22.3 million) which aims at supporting farmers in UK who encounter difficulties as a result of the current economic crisis.


Public opinion in the European Union is broadly favourable to European agricultural policy and support for farmers


European citizens broadly support the new aims of agricultural policy as conducted at European Union level and a majority are in favour of maintaining its budget. This is one of the main findings of a survey of people's attitudes to the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).


"Quel avenir pour le secteur du lait ?" (Conference 'Quel avenir pour le lait?', Bruxelles) français (fr)


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Conference "What future for Milk?" Brussels, 26/03/2010
The Commission will act by the end of the year to reinforce the dairy sector


During the Conference "What future for Milk?" in Brussels, on the 26th March, Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development Dacian Cioloş confirmed his idea to present, without waiting for the discussions on the future of the CAP after 2013, a legislative package to improve the functioning of the dairy sector. Speaking before over 400 delegates from the dairy supply chain plus political and administrative stakeholders, the Commissioner came back on the very tough crisis of the milk sector last year. "Slowly, we put the situation right thanks to the market measures we used like intervention and private storage, and we must not forget the importance of direct payments in supporting farm income" the Commissioner underlined.


Conference "What future for Milk?" on Friday, 26 March 2010.


More than 400 delegates from all parts of the dairy supply chain plus political and administrative stakeholders will attend a Conference in Brussels tomorrow to discuss the prospects for the dairy sector ... 


Dacian Cioloş,  Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, receives Ron Kirk, US Trade Representative, Brussels, 25/03/2010
EU - US dialogue on agriculture


EU Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development Dacian Cioloș received US Trade Representative Ron Kirk in Brussels on 25 March 2010. In an open exchange of views, both officials agreed that the global success of trade relations should not be overshadowed by bilateral trade disputes. They  welcomed the resolution of the long running beef hormone dispute. Commissioner Cioloș signalled that the EU is ready to move onto the second phase of the agreement - removing all remaining sanctions and increasing  the quota.


Meeting with Portuguese Minister for Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries, António Serrano, 19/03/2010
EC is looking for ways to further support the people of Madeira


EU Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, Dacian Cioloş expressed his support for the people on the Portuguese island of Madeira heavily affected by floods and mudslides after the torrential rains last month.

Meeting the Portuguese Minister for Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries, António Serrano, on the 19th of March, Mr. Cioloş stated that the European Commission is waiting for a proposal from the Portuguese authorities to modify the Rural Development Programme for Madeira, in order to provide more help for the island.


Meeting of the EU Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, Dacian Cioloş with the Norwegian Minister of Agriculture and Food, Lars Peder Brekk, in Brussels, on the 18th of March 2010
Agriculture - part of the solution in addressing climate change


Climate change was one of the main points of discussion during the meeting of the EU Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, Dacian Cioloş with the Norwegian Minister of Agriculture and Food, Lars Peder Brekk, in Brussels, on the 18th of March. They both agreed that agriculture is "part of the solution" in addressing climate change, noting that, over the last decades, farming has already succeeded by reducing green gas emissions by 20% - which is way beyond that of the industry average.


Commission to recover € 346.5 million of CAP expenditure from the Member States


A total of € 346.5 million of EU farm money unduly spent by Member States is claimed back as a result of a conformity clearance procedure decision adopted by the European Commission.


State aid: the European Commission approves the aid granted to Farm Dairy Flevoland in the Netherlands


The European Commission has today decided that the aid granted in 1999 by the Dutch Province Flevoland to the undertaking Farm Dairy Flevoland is compatible with the State aid rules which applied when the aid was granted. The aid amounts to € 715.000.


Commission publishes update of Scenar 2020 study on agriculture and the rural world


The objective of the Scenar 2020-II study is to refine and improve the identification of major future trends and driving factors – and the perspectives and challenges resulting from them – provided by the initial Scenar 2020 study (December 2006) on the future of European agriculture and the rural world.


"Les grands défis pour l'agriculture européenne après 2013" (Académie Agricole Hongroise, Nadudvar) français (fr)


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Commissioner's visit to Hungary: "The European agriculture has answers for the challenges of the future"


EU Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development Dacian Cioloş participated in the meeting of the EPP Group Bureau 'Time for Jobs and Growth' in Budapest on March 5, 2010. 

In the debate 'A vision for the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and EU Cohesion Policy for the post-2013 period', Commissioner Cioloş underlined that future European agricultural policy should be fully compatible with the Strategy 2020. As a source of green growth and employment, the future CAP will support the EU's efforts towards greater competitiveness. The Common Agricultural Policy of the future should be based on values such as transparency, fairness, efficiency and diversity. 


State aid: Commission authorises temporary Slovak scheme to grant limited amounts of aid of up to €15,000 to farmers


The European Commission has authorised today a Slovak scheme with a budget of approximately €3.32 million which aims at supporting farmers in Slovakia who encounter difficulties as a result of the current economic crisis.


"The Common Agricultural Policy is not only a matter of budget" – Commissioner Cioloş in Berlin


In his first visit to a national parliament since taking office, EU Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, Mr. Dacian Cioloş stressed to German MPs that the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) could offer solutions to many of the challenges of tomorrow, such as food security, management of natural resources, climate change, competitiveness and innovation. Addressing the Committee on Food, Agriculture & Consumer Protection in the German Bundestag, on March 2nd, in Berlin, he said that the CAP is needed in order to reassure an adequate supply of food in the future.


Discours au Comité de l'alimentation, l'agriculture et de la protection des consommateurs du Bundestag allemand français (fr)


"Avec l'entrée en vigueur du traité de Lisbonne, la famille institutionnelle des responsables de la politique agricole commune s'est renforcée. Le Parlement Européen sera pleinement impliqué dans le processus de prise de décision sur cette politique. Mais le traité de Lisbonne donne aussi un rôle très important aux Parlements nationaux ..."

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