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Actualités Avril 2014


Football needs more female coaches, says Vassiliou English (en)


Androulla Vassiliou, the European Commissioner responsible for sport, will call for UEFA to do more to promote female coaches in football when she meets its President Michel Platini at a meeting of the UEFA Women in Football Leadership Programme in Switzerland this afternoon.

En savoir plus… English (en)

Basketball: Commission asks Spain to end indirect discrimination towards players from other Member States English (en)


The European Commission has requested Spain to change its rules on the composition of basketball teams as the current quotas for locally trained players lead to indirect indiscrimination towards players from other Member States.

En savoir plus… English (en)


First European Heritage Label winners get awards English (en)


The four sites selected to be the first recipients of the new European Heritage Label will be presented with the award on Tuesday 8 April by Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth. Doris Pack, chair of the European Parliament's Culture and Education Committee, will also participate in the ceremony at the Solvay Library in Brussels.

En savoir plus… English (en)


Concours Juvenes Translatores: la commissaire Vassiliou récompense les meilleurs jeunes traducteurs européens English (en)


Le mardi 8 avril, les 28 lauréats du concours pour jeunes traducteurs Juvenes Translatores, organisé chaque année par la Commission, recevront leur prix des mains d’Androulla Vassiliou, commissaire chargée de l’éducation, de la culture, du multilinguisme et de la jeunesse.

En savoir plus… English (en)

Juvenes Translatores contest: Commissioner Vassiliou presents awards to Europe's best young translators English (en)


The 28 winners of the European Commission’s annual Juvenes Translatores contest for young translators will receive their trophies from Androulla Vassiliou, Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, on Tuesday 8 April.

En savoir plus… English (en)

Dernière mise à jour : 24/11/2014 |  Haut de la page