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actualités Février 2010


Commissioner to address Greek Presidency conference on financing for the cultural and creative sectors English (en)


On 20-21 February, the Greek Presidency of the Council of the EU will host a conference in Athens on 'Financing Creativity'. Commissioner Vassiliou will address the opening together with Panos Panagiotopoulos, the Greek Minister of Culture, and Silvia Costa, MEP and 'rapporteur' for the Creative Europe programme.

En savoir plus… English (en)


Twitter chat: education, culture and the crisis English (en)


Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, will take part in a chat via Twitter tomorrow, Wednesday 5 February, 11am-noon. It will focus on the new Erasmus+ and Creative Europe programmes and how investment in education and culture can contribute to overcoming the crisis. More information: #EUchat, @VassiliouEU

En savoir plus… English (en)

Vassiliou: 'Education of utmost importance for new global development agenda' English (en)


The role of education in global efforts to combat poverty and boost sustainable development is the focus of a high-level debate organised by UNESCO and the Mission of Norway to the EU in Brussels tomorrow (5 February). Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, will take part in the event, which comes as the international community seeks to map out a new global framework for development beyond 2015 when the UN's Millennium Development Goals expire. Qian Tang, Assistant Director-General for Education at UNESCO, and Bjørn Haugstad, State Secretary, Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research, will also participate in tomorrow's discussion.

En savoir plus… English (en)

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