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The CAP towards 2020 – taking stock with civil society

The CAP towards 2020 – taking stock with civil society

During the public debate before the launching of the reform of the Common agricultural policy, the voices heard the most loudly were those who wanted to change the CAP. During the negotiations, on the other hand, those in favour of leaving things as they are as far as possible are the ones making their presence felt the most", stated Commissioner Dacian Cioloş, opening the conference  "The CAP towards 2020 taking stock with civil society".

"From our standpoint, the objective is to introduce changes which are as far-reaching as possible" underlined the Commissioner. "We want to make sure that everyone is on board, with expectations taken into account as well as what is feasible from the social, economic, budgetary and political angles." 

The European Commission organized a conference on the Common Agricultural Policy towards 2020, as a forum for civil society to discuss the CAP reform proposals for post-2013adopted by the Commission in October 2011. The event served as a follow-up to the broad consultation on the challenges faced by European agriculture, which took place in July 2010, on the initiative of Dacian Cioloş, European Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development.

The commissioner's speech

The conference website

Last update: 01/04/2015 |  Top