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AVMSD Consultation process - Public Consultation 2003

Public consultation on the review of the "Television without Frontiers" directive, 2003

On 6 January 2003 the Commission adopted the Fourth Report on the application of the "Television without Frontiers" Directive (COM(2002) 778 final), with an Annex setting out a work programme for 2003 for its review which includes a public consultation.

The aim is to provide the Commission with information which will help it to assess whether there is a need to update or adapt the "Television without Frontiers" Directive. 

The public consultation launched by the above-mentioned Commission report addressed the following themes:

Public Hearings

As part of this public consultation exercise, two series of public hearings were organised in the Commission' premises in Brussels, to enable interested parties to contribute fully to the debate. These hearings were based on discussion papers available below.



2, 3 April 2003

- Protection of general interests in television advertising, sponsorship, teleshopping and self-promotion (Discussion paper 3)

4 April 2003

- Access to events of major importance to Society (Discussion paper 1)
- Short extracts of events (Discussion paper 6)




23, 24, 25 June 2003

- Promotion of cultural diversity and of competitiveness of the European programme industry (Discussion paper 2)
- Protection of minors and public order - The right to reply (Discussion paper
- Application (determination of the competent authority, role of the National Regulatory Authorities, etc.) (Discussion paper

Written Contributions

All interested parties were invited to participate in the public debate by responding to the questions specified in the discussion papers and transmitting their written contributions by 15 July 2003.

Based on the results of this public consultation (written comments and hearings), the Commission will publish, at the end of 2003 or in the beginning of 2004, a communication on the future of audiovisual policy, together with proposals if appropriate.

All contributions received in the course of this public consultation exercise were published, unless requests not to do so have been expressly made.

They are available on this site

  List of discussion papers

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