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European Commission > Investing in European Research > Other documents

Other documents

This page provides other documents of interest for the monitoring and analysis of the evolution and impact of R&D investment in Europe and the world.

Please note that the views expressed in these publications are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of European Institutions.

The "POLICY MIX" Project

Monitoring and analysis of policies and public financing instruments conducive to higher levels of R&D investments.

In the frame of the study “Monitoring and analysis of policies and public financing instruments conducive to higher levels of R&D investments” commissioned by the European Commission, 31 country reviews were produced. This project is a research project conducted for DG Research, to serve as support for policy developments in Europe, notably in the framework of CREST activities.

Each country review is produced by an individual author, and provides expert’s view on the policy mix in the country. These reports are not approved by the Commission or national authorities, and are produced under the responsibility of their respective authors.

The role of country reviews is to provide an exploratory analysis of the current policy mixes in place in all countries and detect the most important areas of interactions between instruments as well as new modes of policy governance that are particularly adapted (or detrimental) for the building of policy mixes. They provide analytical material for the analysis of the policy mix concept and its implementation in Europe. This material will be used as background for further reports of the project and for the construction of a tool for policy-makers (to be made available in late 2007 and 2008).

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Greece English[ - 244   KB] Netherlands English[ - 732  KB] United States English[ - 128  KB]
Spain English[ - 163  KB] Poland English[ - 111  KB]  
Finland English[ - 235   KB] Portugal English[ - 142  KB]  



Austria English[ - 110  KB] Hungary English[ - 156  KB] Norway English[ - 92  KB]
Belgium English[ - 195  KB] Iceland English[ - 120  KB] Poland English[ - 138  KB]
Bulgaria English[ - 154  KB] Ireland English[ - 125  KB] Portugal English[ - 109  KB]
China English [ - 94  KB] Israel English[ - 82  KB] Romania English[ - 143  KB]
Croatia English[ - 113  KB] Italy English[ - 121  KB] Slovakia English[ - 130  KB]
Cyprus English[ - 90  KB] Japan English[ - 96  KB] Slovenia English[ - 91  KB]
Czech Republic English[ - 147  KB] Latvia English[ - 111  KB] Spain English[ - 120  KB]
Denmark English[ - 98  KB] Liechtenstein English[ - 64  KB] Sweden English[ - 103  KB]
Estonia English[ - 154  KB] Lithuania English[ - 118  KB] Switzerland English[ - 113  KB]
Finland English[ - 107  KB] Luxembourg English[ - 97  KB] Turkey English[ - 88  KB]
France English[ - 129  KB] Macedonia English[ - 97  KB] UK English[ - 115  KB]
Germany English[ - 159  KB] Malta English[ - 100  KB] United States English[ - 139  KB]
Greece English[ - 81  KB] Netherlands English[ - 127  KB]  
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