DS ITS>Methodology - EN REVAMP

International trade in services 

International trade in services (ITS) data are reported using the extended balance of payments services classification (EBOPS 2010), which is a mainly product-based classification that is built upon the type of service traded.

An alternative presentation is by classification by broad economic categories (BEC) Rev. 5. The BEC classification’s primary analytical use is to understand the predominant use of products: Whether for its final use (consumption), or as inputs to other economic activities (intermediate use).

ITS data by EBOPS can be converted to the BEC classification. The methodological background is described in the BEC Rev. 5. For the conversion of the EBOPS 2010 items to BEC Rev.5 codes, the fine-tuned correlation table is used. This table contains modelled allocation shares.

Further details on the methodology can be found in the available metadata on  international trade in services, geographical breakdown.

International supply of services by mode of supply

The international supply of services by mode of supply (MoS) data are compiled using the methodology described in the Eurostat compilers guide for European statistics on international supply of services by mode of supply (MoS). The services categories are the same as the one used for ITS.

Services trade by enterprise characteristics

The methodology for compiling services trade by enterprise characteristics (STEC) data is described in the STEC compilers guide. STEC data are produced by combining statistical business register information with data on international trade in services at the enterprise level. Therefore, the services categories are the same as the ones used for the ITS, meaning EBOPS 2010 items. The breakdown by enterprises’ main activity follows the NACE Rev.2 classification.