DS Household budget surveys > Information on data EN REVAMP

Available time series

Most European countries began conducting the household budget survey (HBS) in the early 1960s. Since 1988, Eurostat has been collecting and publishing the data every 5 years. The 2 most recent collection waves took place in 2015 and 2020.

Comparability of results

Although there have been continuous efforts towards harmonisation, differences remain. The frequency, timing, content, and structure of the surveys differ per country. Currently, data are collected for all EU members as well as a few non-EU countries.

The data on household final consumption expenditure in participating countries are not always directly comparable because the data collection methodologies are not fully harmonised. Up to wave 2020, the HBS survey has been conducted on a voluntary basis, meaning on a so-called gentlemen’s agreement.

The owner-occupier imputed rent is the most important methodological difference in quantitative terms. For some recent HBS waves, Czechia, Malta, North Macedonia, and the United Kingdom did not impute any rent for the use of owner-occupied dwellings as the household's main residence.

Eurostat offers recommendations for harmonisation of the survey information on a regular basis, and also publishes a detailed transmission document.


Anonymised microdata for the HBS for 2010, 2015, and 2020 are available to the research community.