Invitation to the 3rd International Summer School on Deep Learning (Gdansk, Poland, 6-10 July, 2020)

  • Jacek Ruminski profile
    Jacek Ruminski
    10 February 2020 - updated 1 year ago
    Total votes: 0

Our new edition of the International Summer School on Deep Learning (non-profit, with limited number of accepted participants) has opened the registration system. The school is a great training and networking event with many interesting speakers and many attractions. It is addressed to graduate students, PhD students and researchers (from Universities and companies). This is a regular, european event, focused on AI skills training. This year we are also organising one day AI Inference in Practice Conference (6th July - parallel event to the School). More information at You are very welcome!

Jacek Ruminski, General Chair, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland