
Welcome to the European AI Alliance platform. The AI Alliance acts as a multi-stakeholder forum engaged in a broad and open discussion of all aspects of AI development and its impact on the economy and society.

As a member of the European AI Alliance you are  able to interact with the High-Level Expert Group on AI (AI HLEG), which functions as the Steering Group of the Alliance. You will be able to provide the members of the group with input and feedback which they will use when they prepare the draft AI Ethics Guidelines and other reports. Moreover, your input - directly contributing to the European debate on AI - will also be considered by the European Commission to inform its policy making. 

Under the section "Blog", information will be given on the Commission's work on AI, and your feedback will be solicited by the AI HLEG or the Commission, mainly on targeted and/or open questions, or on draft documents prepared by the AI HLEG. 

Under the section "Forum," you will be able to raise AI-related topics and engage in open-ended peer discussions with other members of the European AI Alliance.

Under the section "Documents", a collection of public documents on AI can be found. These concern documents published by the European Commission or the Member States, as well as documents published by third countries and international organizations. 

The "Open library" is a repository of all types of reports, papers and other interesting documents on Artificial Intelligence which members of the European AI Alliance can add in order to share these with other members and with the AI HLEG. You can either upload a document or share its link. Don't forget to mention the correct source!

The section "Events" provides an overview of the upcoming meetings and events on AI. These can be closed events (such as the meetings of the AI HLEG), open events (such as conferences where registration is open to everyone) or webinars (which you can attend online). You are able to add relevant events on AI, however the platform moderators will ensure their relevance to the Alliance.

Finally, the section "AI HLEG" lists the names of the 52 experts that have been selected for the AI HLEG, whereas the section "People" contains an overview of all people who signed up to be a member of the Alliance.

We are happy to welcome you to the European AI Alliance and look forward to discussing Europe & AI with you!

PS. Please be aware that there is up to 30 min delay in publishing your contributions on the platform due to secure hosting procedures and performance optimisation issues.