
  • Jola DERVISHAJ profile
    2 June 2020 - updated 11 months ago
    Total votes: 2

Dear members of the European AI Alliance,


You might have noticed some difficulties in accessing the contents of our community. Such difficulties were the results of a security threat faced by our authentication system during the last month. 

In an attempt to resolve the problems and provide you with a better user experience, we are in the process of transferring the group to a new platform. The process will guaranty the safe and complete transfer of all your user rights, comments and all material shared in the platform. To do that, we have temporarily deactivated the possibility to post and comment on the group for the next three days.

You will be informed with an email as soon as the process is completed.


We apologise for the inconvenience!

Should you have any question or request, please do not hesitate to contact us via email


With best regards,

The AI Alliance Team