AI makes Human Resource Management more Human

  • Marcel Isbert profile
    Marcel Isbert
    10 April 2020
    Total votes: 0

AI Makes HR More Human

At some point in the career of an HR professional the question is asked:  how can human resources become more human?  At least one company believes it has the answer.  Best Buy Canada says it’s to add more machines.  Chris Taylor is the chief human resources officer for Best Buy Canada.  He has gone on record saying the embracing of artificial intelligence and machine learning applications in human capital management is a “mandatory investment in the future.”

So, why add more machines to make HR more human?

The automation of tasks through AI technology allows for the freeing of HR professionals to focus on uniquely human abilities such as critical thinking, creativity, and empathy.  While they are involved with the more human tasks, technology, at the moment, can handle the more mundane tasks.  

All of that said, in a lot of ways artificial intelligence is still growing and learning itself.

What does that statement mean? AI is able to search a query based on the words you are using and give you a response, but that response isn't contextual.

AI is heading in that direction though.

Instead of writing responses specifically to specific inputs… you just have a huge database of language around a specific knowledge domain and the AI can go into that knowledge domain and answer the questions from the user.

HR professionals interested in pursuing AI want it to do much more than answer questions and rummage through applications. They want to use it as a learning platform.

But it’s not there yet.

AI can teach itself to do something, but it's not at the stage it can replace humans beings as the "drivers of education." In the future, it may be used that way, but it would require a lot of adaptability.

Taylor says Best Buy Canada is embracing as much technology as they can get their hands on.  For instance, the company has started investing in cloud-based solution that uses artificial intelligence, voice technology and machine learning.  All of these technologies, Best Buy Canada hopes, will better the employee experience.