Facing the challenge of cross-border e-commerce

  • Marlene ten Ham profile
    Marlene ten Ham
    26 November 2015 - updated 4 years ago
    Total votes: 1

Bringing your e-commerce business cross-border requires certain circumstances that enable viable international trade. At the Round Table in Milan e-commerce professionals discussed the aspects businesses face when going cross-borders and what kind of challenges need to be overcome. Adapting to a market also entails taking its economic and even its political circumstances into account in order to trade successfully in that country. The global market with its immense competition and complex legislative network certainly presents huge challenges.

The Round Table organized by Ecommerce Europe and E-commercefacts in Milan was held on the 2nd of November at the hotel Milano Scala. There were two inspirational presentations by Mr. Luca Cassetti, Policy Advisor at E-commerce Europe and Mr. Edoardo Giorgetti, CEO at Banzai Commerce. Participants shared experiences with e-commerce and discussed issues they have encountered. 

Overcoming obstacles

Mr. Luca Cassetti presented his view on e-commerce in Europe and how rapidly external factors like economic policy and legislation are changing within the EU while having huge influence on the European e-commerce business. Comparing the levels of development in e-commerce in Italy, Europe and the world, a lot needs to be done to overcome the obstacles of enhancement of e-commerce in Italy. Italian businesses need to adapt to the development of cross-border trade and focus more on the international market.     

Mr. Edoardo Giorgetti zoomed in on the big global e-commerce market and the challenge it faces. Especially the complex legal system it has to take into consideration and the huge competition it faces. E-commerce players that are active on the global market need to deal with the most diverse legal regulations and take them into consideration. Mr. Giorgetti emphasized the importance of mobile commerce in the cross-border e-commerce and bringing your e-commerce business across borders. In the growth process of an e-commerce business the economic and cultural revitalization as well as political circumstances of a country or region have an immense impact on the  development of e-commerce. The ability to transform into a modern e-commerce country depends on a range of external factors that need to enable a certain level of flexibility.