Encourage and accelerate the development of the Digital Agenda for Europe with an European economic dividend

  • Roberto De Biase profile
    Roberto De Biase
    6 January 2016 - updated 4 years ago
    Total votes: 1

Encourage and accelerate the development of the Digital Agenda with the participation of citizens using digital services, and companies that operate in digital or using digital systems [eg. e-commerce, electronic payments, industria 4.0, smart city], at the profits arising from the implementation of the Digital Agenda for Europe at the European level: delivering a "European economic dividend" to European citizens based on the use level   of digital systems by citizens and businesses across Europe resulting from increased gross domestic product of the European digital economy.Citizens and businesses should register  on a multilingual website dedicated to the project in order to monitor their digital activities and obtain their divident resulting from the digital  indicators of their level of use of  digital services  .This develops a virtuous cycle becouse people can reinvest the dividend in the European Economic circiut, buying goods and services across Europe, because European citizens will obtain benefits that would derive ( with increase of "gross domestic product", over which to calculate the dividend and thus a greater value of the dividend) doing so enormously to develop  businesses across Europe and the digital economy with an increase in quality of life of citizens and improvement of the natural systems following the  "dematerialization". The  technical and legislative definition of this  initiative can be defined by the European Commission in a specific development project of Digital Agenda for Europe or by the program "Horizon 2020". Or the citizens can prompt an "European Citizens Initiative".

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