Eastern European B2C e-commerce turnover grew by nearly 17% in 2014

  • Marlene ten Ham profile
    Marlene ten Ham
    19 November 2015 - updated 4 years ago
    Total votes: 0

The growth of the Eastern European B2C e-commerce sales declined considerably last year, but still reached double digits. After an increase of over 60% in 2013, the B2C e-commerce turnover grew by 16.8% in 2014. Despite the significant decline, Eastern Europe was still Europe’s fastest-growing B2C e-commerce market.

Within Eastern Europe, Russia is by far the largest B2C e-commerce market, with an online B2C turnover of € 19.9bn. With this, Russia is the fourth-largest e-commerce market within Europe. Ukraine ranks second in the Eastern Europe region, with online B2C sales of € 2.3bn, followed by Romania with € 1.2bn.

The Eastern European average spending per e-shopper of € 642 is well below the European average of € 1,544. Russian e-shoppers are the “biggest” spenders with € 767, closely followed by the Ukrainians (€ 662). The lower regional average is caused by the smaller countries, such as Romania (€ 317), Belarus (€ 244) and Bulgaria (€ 206).


The share of B2C e-commerce in the Gross Domestic Country, or eGDP, is also a good indicator of the importance of B2C e-commerce within a country or region. With an eGDP of 1.34%, Eastern Europe has the second-lowest eGDP of all European regions. Although Eastern Europe has quite a low eGDP, it is still interesting to see that this rate has more than tripled since 2009. This shows that the role of e-commerce within the Eastern European economy is becoming more and more important.

This is evident from the Eastern European B2C E-commerce Report that Ecommerce Europe has published in cooperation with the Ecommerce Foundation. In addition, the report is powered by GfK, Global Collect|Ingenico and Asendia.

For more interesting facts and figures about the Eastern European B2C e-commerce market, please download the free light report or infographic. The full report can be ordered through our website or by sending an email to info@ecommercefoundation.org.

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