Digital Identification is incompatible with Single Market

  • Stephan Engberg profile
    Stephan Engberg
    24 April 2015 - updated 4 years ago
    Total votes: 3

System abuse of personal data damaging European Economy

Due to utter lack of empowering security, the post-internet world have turned the digital arena turning into one massive battle for who control citizens through controlling their data, their keys, their devices, their connections in BOTH the private and public sector.

The damage to the economy is massive and the deroute escalating as basic market processes fail due to concentration of power in the hands of a few enormous operators in the commercial infrastructure and centralized control structures in pub sector.

A Company like Google is basically stealing a larger and larger share of value chains by simply blackmailing everyone to pay them with data related to relations and interactions and abusing the illegally acquired data to direct individual behavior and actions literally selling customers to businesses and organizations in reverse auctions. Citizens are lead to believe Google do so in their interest by simply feeding citizens with their own tail on existing relations while profiting from steering behavior to whoever pays Google the most. The built-in damage from Google and other more localized or segmented winner-takes-all structures to market innovation and effect is detrimental to the economy literally preventing markets from working. Such self-reinforcing winner-takes-all business models are highly infectious as as control of one group of citizens and market segment are easily transferred into other segments and industries. Especially the Google data abuse machine is optimized to enter into new markets with "free" services to build data control through making entities spy on each-other (e.g Google Analytics, Android and Glass) on behalf of Google to dominate the basic market making and ability to control markets.

Processes and services need data, but they do NOT need personal data

There is no reason what-so-ever that we could not make digital structure so citizens themselves manage the re-use of their data without creating the basis of secondary abuse. This is simply a question of making basic identity structures so citizens can create and manage contextual identity for transactions/relations while validating security without creating cross-purpose linkability with actual Identification as the biggest market killer.

Dont Confuse eGov Once Only with citizen reuse of data

Of course citizens want convenience and effective eGov service need access to data, but they and markets also need citizen data control. The way to balance this is by providing citizens with means to authmatically reuse data without linking purpose unrelated transactions, i.e. "sharing in a purpose specific context" and the citizen herself acting as the link provider and trusted part. We got the technologies for this such even where we need to trust data provided using a.g. blinded signatures. Whereas "Once only" is Failure by Design

Designing for failure through Digital Identification

The main problem is failure of government - both member state level and EU overall - institutions to create and maintain fundamental security and market requirements to function. National Id and other critical structures such as communication and payments are concentrating on identification despite our utter inability to maintain security, buying power and individual sovereignty when power in a transaction has transferred from citizens to system. Minor positive elements in a few countries do nothing to change the fact that we see a massive and systemic failure to provide the technologies making it possible for citizens to trade, get services and interact in a secure and trustworthy manor simply abiding to the fundamentals of EU Charter and basic regulation.

H2020 and the present EU Commission "strategy" is aiming to fail

If you consider the present H2020 action plan and overall statements on strategy from the EU Commission (especially Ansip and Oettinger), these not only fail to even consider the critical security and empowering elements, they actually AIM to facilitate the systemic abuse of personal data.

Mechanisms such as "Once Only" in public sector and "App Economy" are based on systemic collection and abuse of personal data outside the citizen control. Technical structures such as Big Data, cloud and Internet and application layer areas such as eHealth and "Smart Cities" are characterized by systemically scaling the fundamental lack of security into Command & Control structures where some public or private entity more or less monopolizing the area.

The illusions use of "Data protection" and easily circumvented soft policy based "consent" to create "trust" is a bad substitute for security and citizens ability to exercise contextual control that will never provide the basis for a sustainable and prosperous digital economy.

Especially the public sector are confusing the idea of fast digitalization leading to supply-side monopolization with the planning for continuous demand-driven through semantically open and parameterized standards, contextual Privacy and Security by Design and ensuring citizen choice and controls.

Lobby or political numbers without substance

Particular remarkable about the agenda is the use of pseudo-science to argue for bad choices. When you dig into the key numbers feed to and frequently quoted by the political layer, they are best case cherry-picking ignoring all the damages and worst case lobby-like wishful thinking. E.g. "App Economy" is based on picking the number of people working to feed the US-based market control ecosystems ignoring the massive and much bigger damage to the economy. "Once Only" is based on extrapolation of data from one country that are seriously criticized for political cherry-picking without linkage to real economy. Similar Big Data only consider the data abusers business case, but not the damage to the economy.

These approaches not only can be used to generate numbers for literally any agenda, they constitute probably misinformation of political choice processes. In the mentioned cases, realistic numbers would most likely show that means are seriously counter-productive to goals.

H2020 and the Strategy for Digital Single Market bound for failure

What is particularly clear is the present action plan will on no way enable but in many ways prevent the internal market from becoming functional. The lack of attention to market fundamentals pushing hardcore surveillance and illusions of soft policy rights as well as an active strategy towards secondarily abuse of personal data in both public and private sector will not only prove detrimental to the economy , it is in my view in active violation and conflict with existing regulation, basic rights and the EU Charter itself.

Action better than criticism.

My point is not critique for the sake of critique. But it is simply impossible for markets and bottom-up initiatives to work when active policies undermine the market. The internal market is literally damaged by both the political agenda as well as bureaucratic Command & Control and commercial winner-takes-all structures - all of which utilize citizens as their property and object of power & control rather than enabling Individual control and choice as the demand-side main driver of progress and innovation.