Creating Adoption for a Digital Single Market

  • Randall Krugh profile
    Randall Krugh
    25 May 2015 - updated 4 years ago
    Total votes: 1

Disenfranchised individuals throughout Europe face a major ‘Barrier’ for gaining employment. That barrier is the Internet documentation of past mistakes. NuPersona & Xam Mobile provides solutions to this barrier and others.I’d like to discuss with you how our 3 main initiatives could enhance your initiative for a Digital Single Market throughout Europe by creating adoption for reaching critical mass. Our initiatives are:1.    Digital New Beginnings (individual web pages)                                              2.    Driving Connectivity (low-cost smartphones with free monthly Internet access providing an opportunity for better online access to digital goods & services) 3.    Cash to Digital (rather than operating in the irregular risky informal economy Europe’s poor are the key to their own emergence into the formal digital economy) I look forward to hearing from you soon for further discussion.Thank you, Randall Krugh                                                                                                                                       President / Founder NuPersona, Inc.Xam Mobile, Inc.Columbus, Ohio USA614-364-1447