Automation technologies and social and ecological Wellness

  • Roberto De Biase profile
    Roberto De Biase
    14 June 2015 - updated 4 years ago
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Technology [and especially the automation / robotics] has as its objective the improvement of human conditions, allow welfare to all, and also allow human progress, reporting the consequential levels of ecological imbalance to normal [for a "rebalancing antropocenico" ] [for example, with the digitalization (Digital Agenda) will be able to dramatically reduce the ecological footprint, with positive effects on the climate, generating a virtuous process equilibrative socio-ecological]

All technologies that enable automation within the scope of engineering.

Engineering is the discipline and profession that has as its goal the application of knowledge and results of the physical and natural sciences, mathematics to solve problems that contribute to the satisfaction of human needs.

Therefore, the integrated automation technologies and scalable, such as robotics, artificial intelligence, the Internet of things, cloud computing, etc., Together with nanotechnology, having the function to live better every single person in the world and improve the natural environment, although it is the result of technological unemployment which will intensify greatly in the coming years, they should only be considered as the primary factor in a radical improvement of the company, along with the second factor, the cultural adaptation [adaptation paradigmatic socio-legal] which is to allow access to every single person in the world to goods and services that the automation technologies in the coming years will produce almost no human intervention, without the obligation of work, [because the corporate interest is the satisfaction of human needs, which in the past could only be made by the "human labor" (because the technology was not sufficiently developed as now), but that today, and especially in the next few years, may be delegated to machines, so allow the function of engineering is completed, honored, giving it its real meaning: "resolution of problems that contribute to the satisfaction of human needs."

Often associated with human labor a consequential obtaining dignity and freedom, thereby establishing a principle in going to harm people and nature, as being the technology because unemployment tends to reduce the development of technology preventing that it carries out Its function of troubleshooting socio-ecological. For example, for these reasons, it can not be implemented in Italy quickly the Digital Agenda for Europe that aims to improve economic and ecological of the country, also in terms of international relations, and adjustments to processes ristrutturali partner -Cheap Europe which will benefit everyone.

Automation technology takes away jobs and because of the principle in the first described, inculcated in the minds of the population, we consider this phenomenon [automation] as something negative, while it is actually only a benefit to all, because taking away the need the "human labor required" allows us to dedicate ourselves to the "human labor free", to realize ourselves fully and in freedom and dignity, generating a virtuous process of human development balanced, peaceful, environmentally friendly, which goes to combat and reduce enormously the phenomenon of micro and type organized crime, in its various forms [mafia, the Camorra, 'Ndrangheta, etc.], the war for dominance of raw materials, while the collective well-being that goes with it has also the advantage of determining demographic stability to balance socio-ecological total [which allows plenty of resources for everyone and an 'ecological footprint worldwide very low].

These positive phenomena equilibrative, that achieve a full development of automation technology on a worldwide basis, are mutually complementary and synergistic, functional to a process of economic recovery, social, ecological populations around the world and especially for the Nature, and find their full development potential in social processes related to the same purposes as human engineering: the collaborative economy, the sharing economy, the open source and the third sector [nonprofit], and complementary ach'essi synergistic.