You are selling or buying online? You are unhappy about price and quality of delivery?

  • Werner Stengg profile
    Werner Stengg
    8 July 2015 - updated 4 years ago
    Total votes: 0


E-commerce is virtual and convenient as long as you are sitting at home in front of your computer or tablet, at midnight. Searching for a good deal, reading customer reviews, pouring yourself another glass of French red wine. Satisfied, you are pushing the order button.

Waking up the next morning, you are back in the real world. The stuff you ordered online will be delivered offline - and most probably you will not know when, by whom, and how you can avoid the hassle of chasing down your parcel over the next two weeks.

If physical delivery is too expensive, or too inconvenient, consumers won't buy online again. This is why (cross-border) parcel delivery has been added to the Commission's DSM strategy, adopted on 6 May.

Until 29 July, both e-merchants and their customers can tell us what they like or dislike about current delivery practices. And how they think the situation could be further improved.

If you are one of them, or if you know people who are interested in this, go to: