Which themes should the High-Level Expert Group on AI (AI HLG) tackle?

  • Lucilla SIOLI profile
    Lucilla SIOLI
    14 June 2018 - updated 2 years ago
    Total votes: 9

On 27 June, the AI HLG will meet for the first time and discuss (1) the main ethical principles to focus on when preparing the draft AI ethics guidelines, and (2) the main AI-related challenges to address in their policy recommendations (including on Europe's competitiveness and on the future of work).

The first discussion we would like to launch with you is:

Which are the main principles that the AI ethics guidelines should tackle?

Your feedback on this question will be used by the AI HLG in its first meeting!

Update: We collect comments to this question until Thursday 21 June end of day. Afterwards, we will process them and give them to the AI HLG to prepare their first meeting.