More improvements

  • David Ringrose profile
    David Ringrose
    30 April 2015 - updated 4 years ago
    Total votes: 0

An April 27, we pubilshed an updated version of Digital4eu

  • a first page that's easier to navigate: we've simplified the first page, focusing on our main message. We've also given prominence to more recent content, which you can find under the What's New field on this page. The menus have been reduced to help you focus on what's essential, while you can always find Our Vision at the very top.
  • you can now connect items to each other: it's now possible to connect your Idea to a piece of Evidence, a poll, a video or an event
  • a new function for "Blog": as of today, in the Blogs section, you can find messages from us on, for example, improvements in the blog or important updates. Blogs are also easier to find as they appear in a separate box at the right
  • easier to read through: it is now easier to select items you are more interested in reading, as tags are now more visible –they appear both in the list of all items and prominently when you click on each of them. So don't forget to tag your item, it can help people pick it up.
  • easier search: you can now search the whole platform using one of the several tags available, or the author's name

In a few weeks, new features will be available.

So send us your thoughts on how to make this better work for you and we'll keep improving Digital4eu to suit your needs.
