Joining forces to boost Artificial Intelligence adoption in Europe

  • Thomas HAHN profile
    Thomas HAHN
    31 May 2019 - updated 1 year ago
    Total votes: 8

Europe has a strong and growing economy in the areas of robotics and data-driven Artificial Intelligence (AI). Integrated value chains, together with a combination of key enabling technologies, give AI the power to transform the economy as well as society. To preserve European values while taking advantage of technological developments demands a responsible use of AI. AI will increase productivity, flexibility, and quality as well as enabling new business models creating additional revenue streams.

Therefore BDVA and euRobotics very much appreciate the Coordinated plan on AI published in December 2018.  Both organisations are carefully working with our partners to move towards a European AI Public Private Partnership (AI PPP) with the following steps:

Our first step together was to establish a joint Vision: The vision of the AI Public Private Partnership is to boost European industrial competitiveness and lead the world in developing and deploying value-driven trustworthy AI based on European fundamental rights, principles and values. You can read our Joint Vision Paper here.

Now we are bringing together our extensive networks to develop the necessary ecosystem. No single initiative, no single country, no single company, or market segment can address this vision alone. A network of stakeholders is needed. Driven by BDVA and euRobotics, we have set up an AI Ambassadors Network to establish a collaborative, trustful and open relationship with regional AI initiatives. Ambassadors are representatives from the different member states and regions that know best what the needs, opportunities, know-how, and initiatives are at regional levels. Building on this solid foundation, we set up a collaboration with different initiatives – not only industry-driven initiatives but also academic and social initiatives. We strongly believe that Collaboration on different levels with different partners is the key to success!

The foundations of the network are based on European values with open collaboration at its core.  We are now detailing the strategy, the research needs, the critical importance of innovation – this Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda - SRIA is not “one time shot”, this paper will be discussed, reviewed and developed further – based on the collaboration network. The first version of the SRIA will be published on June 6, and we will continue to co-create this agenda with our European stakeholders.

At the core of the agenda is industrial adoption, a practical consideration of the constraints and requirements that AI solutions must meet for business impact to address head-on the needs of the market. After all, the economic success of AI solutions will only come about if they are adopted and generate real Customer Benefit based on European values.

We look forward to working together with all of you on this journey towards the European AI PPP!

We hope to see you in our next events:

Yours sincerely 

Bernd Liepert, President euRobotics

Thomas Hahn, President BDVA