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EUROPA - Audiovisuelle- und Medienpolitik

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Info Centre :: Closed Tender Procedures

Closed Tender Procedures

Under this section, could you find information's about Audiovisual and Media policies' closed funding opportunities.

More details about:

Challenges of the digital era for film heritage institutions - SMART 2010/0001.

Study on the implementation of the provisions of the Audiovisual Media Services Directive concerning the promotion of European works in audiovisual media services - SMART2010/0002.

Study on "Indicators for independence and efficient functioning of audiovisual media services regulatory bodies for the purpose of enforcing the rules in the AVMS Directive"  - SMART 2009/0001

Study on "Media policy aspects of advertising, labelling and public information" -  SMART 2009/0002

Monitoring of the compliance by audiovisual media service providers in the MS with the provisions of Chapter IIa (Article 3e-3g) and Chapter IV of the Audiovisual Media Services Directive (Framework contract) - SMART 2008/0001

see also: Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMSD)

Study concerning Multi-territory licensing for the online distribution of audiovisual works in the European Union - SMART 2008/0002

see also: Ongoing studies

"Study on the application of measures concerning the promotion of the distribution and production of European works in audiovisual media services (i.e. including television programmes and non linear services)” - SMART 2007/0001

Study on "Indicators for media pluralism in the Member States — towards a risk-based approach" — SMART 007A 2007-0002

see also: Media Task Force - Media pluralism

Study on the economic and cultural impact, notably on co-productions, of territorialisation clauses of state aids schemes for films and audiovisual productions

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Framework contract for obtaining data and analysis regarding the legal and economic context for media industries within the Member States of the European Union and relevant third countries

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Study on the economic and cultural impact, notably on co-productions, of territorialisation clauses of state aids schemes for films and audiovisual productions

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Surveillance/monitoring of the application of rules in the TVWF Directive concerning television advertising, sponsorship and teleshopping in the Member States (framework contract)

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Study on co-regulation measures in the media sector

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Study on the economic and cultural impact, notably on co-productions, of territorialisation clauses of state aids schemes for films and audiovisual productions

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Comparative study on the impact of control measures on the televisual advertising markets in European Union Member States and certain other countries

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Study on the impact of measures concerning the promotion of the distribution and production of TV programmes (Community and national) provided for under Article 25 (a) of the directive on television without frontiers

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Study of external cooperation by the European Union and its Member States in the cultural and audiovisual sectors

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Study of the audiovisual landscape and public audiovisual policies in the candidate countries

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Study on the rating practice used for audiovisual works in the European Union

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Study on the economic and financial aspects of the film industry

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Outlook of development of the Market for European audiovisual content and of the regulatory framework concerning production and distribution of this content

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Study on the development of new advertising techniques

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Study on the provisions existing within the Member States and the EEA to implement Chapter III of the TWF directive

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Study on the impact of television advertising and teleshopping on minors

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Study on the development of digital in the EU

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