DS Experimental statistics > Multinational enterprise groups > Block 1 > EN > REVAMP

Why are these statistics needed?

Multinational enterprise groups play a major role in the EU economy. They contribute substantially in all EU countries to the production of goods and services, employment and investment.

Despite growing interest in the structure of multinational enterprise groups, Eurostat does not yet publish any European statistics on that topic. To meet this information need, Eurostat now publishes experimental statistics on multinational enterprise groups in the EU.

Why are they experimental?

The main reason is that these statistics are not regulated and the article aims to grasp on potential user needs and to seek for feedback before switching to official statistics.

How are they produced?

These statistics are extracted directly from the EuroGroups Register (EGR). No other data sources are used.

For further details, please consult our  methodological note

Access to the statistics

DS Experimental statistics > Multinational enterprise groups > Block 2 > EN > REVAMP


To help Eurostat improve these experimental statistics, users and researchers are kindly invited to give us their feedback by email:

  • How useful are the published data on multinational enterprise groups and the breakdowns of their structure?
  • What further breakdowns would interest you?
  • How useful would it be for the publication to provide detailed data on all EU countries?