Retour European Pillar of Social Rights

14 July 2021

Today, 14 July from 11:00 to 12:00 CEST, Eurostat in close cooperation with the Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion (DG EMPL) of the European Commission will organise a virtual event on the European Pillar of Social Rights – Social Scoreboard of indicators.

The event aims to raise awareness of the social scoreboard of indicators and to present its main uses. It will also be an opportunity to consider a unique tool that allows policy-makers, socio-economic analysts, , and other interested parties to look at the indicators and targets linked to the European Pillar of Social Rights and, more generally, the European social situation and its developments.

Ms Christine Wirtz, Director for Social Statistics – Eurostat, will open the event. The keynote speakers are:

  • Ms Barbara Kauffmann (Director, Employment and Social Governance, Analysis - DG EMPL).
  • Ms Georgiana Ivan (Statistical Officer, Eurostat)

The working language of the event is English.

The streaming will be available here (no need to register in advance).

If you want to ask questions please click here!

The European Pillar of Social Rights



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