Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Housing cost overburden rate

Indicator name Housing cost overburden rate
Code SI-S5
Type (EU indicator/ NAT - national indicator) EU
Detailed definition Percentage of the pop. living in a household where total housing costs (net of housing allowances) represent more than 40% of the total disp. household income (net of housing allowances). Housing costs incl mortgage interest payments (net of any tax relief) for owners and rent payments, gross of housing benefits for renters, housing benefits for rent free households. They also incl. structural insurance, mandatory services and charges (sewage removal, refuse removal, etc.), regular maintenance and repairs, taxes and the cost of utilities (water, elec, gas and heating). They do not incl. capital repayment for mortgage holders. Housing allowances incl. rent benefits (a current means-tested transfer granted by public auth. to tenants, temporarily or on a long-term basis, to help them with rent costs) and benefits to owner-occupiers (a means-tested transfer by public auth. to owner occupiers to alleviate their current hosing costs; in practice, often help with mortgage reimbursements.
Breakdowns Gender Age: 0-17 (0-5; 6-11; 12-17), 18-64, 65+ Income quintiles Poverty status (at-risk-of-poverty; not at-risk-of-poverty) Activity status (most frequent activity status) Tenure status Degree of urbanisation Household type
Source Eurostat – EU-SILC
SPC portfolio section Social inclusion – secondary

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