Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

At-risk-of-poverty rate by household type

Indicator name At-risk-of-poverty rate by household type
Code SI-S1a
Type (EU indicator/ NAT - national indicator) EU
Detailed definition Poverty risk for the total population aged 0+ in the following household types: Households with no dependent children: – Single person, under 65 years old – Single person, 65 years and over – Single women – Single men – Two adults, at least one person 65 years and over – Two adults, both under 65 years – Three or more adults without dependent children Households with dependent children: – Single parent, 1 or more dependent children – Two adults, one dependent child – Two adults, two dependent children – Two adults, three or more dependent children – Three or more adults with dependent children
Breakdowns Already specified in the typology of households.
Source Eurostat – EU-SILC
SPC portfolio section Social inclusion – secondary

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