Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Depth of material and social deprivation

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Indicator name Depth of material and social deprivation
Type (EU indicator/ NAT - national indicator) EU
Periodicity Annual
Detailed definition The indicator is defined as the average number of deprivation items lacked, because of an enforced lacked, by the materially and socially deprived population. The index of deprivation considered is the one used for the Material and Social Deprivation indicator, i.e. the unweighted sum of 13 material and social deprivation items. Some of these items are collected at the household level and thus capture household deprivation, while others are collected at the adult level and may therefore differ within the same household. It is important to note that this indicator concerns the whole materially and socially deprived population and not only the severely materially and socially deprivation population. It, however, does not concern the people who are not considered materially and socially deprived, i.e. those lacking less than 5 items.
Breakdowns - By age and gender (note: age for this breakdown covers all ages (incl. children). The age categories should be the same as those available for Severe material deprivation in [ilc_mddd11]) -By age, gender and most frequent activity status (population aged 16 and over) -By income quintile and household type -By age, gender and educational attainment level (population aged 16 and over) -By age, gender and broad group of citizenship (population aged 16 and over) -By age, gender and broad group of country of birth (population aged 16 and over) -By tenure status -By NUTS regions -By degree of urbanization -For children by age and educational attainment level of their parents
Comments/ Policy relevance Informing on the depth of material and social deprivation (i.e. how severe it is) is relevant to complement the Material and Social Deprivation indicator. It indeed provides useful information on the degree of the severity of material and social deprivation faced by the materially and socially deprived population. This is relevant since Member States with similar Material and Social Deprivation rates may in fact largely differ in the composition, from a severity perspective, of their materially and socially deprived populations. As well, in a given Member State, the Material and Social Deprivation rate and the depth of material and social deprivation may evolve in different directions. The new ‘Depth of material and social deprivation’ and ‘Severe Material and Social deprivation’ indicators are both relevant to provide complementary information on the severity of material and social deprivation. The former provides information that cannot be provided by the latter and vice-versa.
Source EU-SILC
SPC portfolio section Social inclusion – secondary
Key dimension JAF dimension PA11 (as context indicator) The principle of having a new indicator specifically targeting the depth of material and social deprivation is similar to what had already been done with the introduction of the ‘Depth of material deprivation’ indicator in addition to the Material Deprivation indicator. The new ‘Depth of material and social deprivation’ and ‘Severe Material and Social deprivation’ indicators are both relevant to provide complementary information on the severity of material and social deprivation. The latter reflects the percentage in population of persons materially and socially deprived beyond a certain severe deprivation threshold (lacking at least 7 items), while the former informs on the degree of the severity (on average) of the material and social deprivation faced by the materially and socially deprived persons (i.e. faced by people lacking at least 5 items, so taking into consideration both those who are non-severely and severely deprived).
Context of use JAF dimension PA11 (as context indicator)
Further details and related documents The indicator is a number ranging between 5 and 13. It should be interpreted as an average number only, since it does not give a detailed view on how many persons lack exactly 5, 6, … or 13 material and social deprivation items because of an enforced lack (e.g. two equal figures for the depth of material and social deprivation may in fact result from two very different compositions, from the severity perspective, of the materially and socially deprived population). Still, the use of an average allows to condense some useful information on the depth of material and social deprivation into one single figure.

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