Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Depth of child deprivation

Indicator name Depth of child deprivation
Type (EU indicator/ NAT - national indicator) EU
Periodicity Every three years
Detailed definition The average number of deprivation items among deprived children (i.e. the mean number of deprivation items among deprived children according to the child deprivation indicator). Standard calculation/approach as used for other “depth” indicators in the domain of deprivation
Comments/ Policy relevance For monitoring progress in the implementation of the EU Recommendation on “Investing in Children: breaking the cycle of disadvantage” endorsed by all EU countries in 2013. The indicator will usefully complement the picture provided by other household-centred indicators of poverty and social exclusion that may not adequately reflect the specific situation of children. It is a complementary indicator to the child deprivation rate indicator.
Source Computed every three years, on the basis on the thematic EU-SILC module on children.
SPC portfolio section Social inclusion – secondary
Key dimension Depth/intensity of child deprivation
Context of use To complement analysis of the child deprivation rate indicator, as it allows to show progress even in Member States with a high average number of deprivation items among the deprived. It shows the depth/intensity of child deprivation.
Further details and related documents See also the child deprivation rate indicator

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