Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Growth rate in real gross household disposable income (GHDI (unadjusted))

Indicator name Growth rate in real gross household disposable income (GHDI (unadjusted))
Code 9a
Type (EU indicator/ NAT - national indicator) EU
Detailed definition GHDI = Compensation of employees (received) + Gross operating surplus and gross mixed income (received) + Property income (received) - Property income (paid) + Other current transfers (received) - Other current transfers (paid) + Social benefits other than social transfers in kind (received) - Social benefits other than social transfers in kind (paid) + Social contributions (received) - Social contributions (paid) - Current taxes on income, wealth, etc. (paid) Real GDHI is calculated as nominal GDHI divided by the deflator of household final consumption expenditure.
Breakdowns Evolution (growth rate) of the overall GHDI indicator as well as its components
Comments/ Policy relevance In national accounts terminology, “gross” refers to items calculated before the deduction of consumption of fixed capital and “net” refers to items calculated after this deduction “Unadjusted” refers to the indicator not taking into account the different degrees of involvement of governments in the provision of free services (i.e. non-cash services in kind) to households
Source Eurostat – National accounts
SPC portfolio section Overarching - indicators
Key dimension Household income (aggregate for the household sector, providing a link between macro-economic developments and household income developments). Used in: SPPM dashboard, JAF
Context of use Household income (aggregate for the household sector, providing a link between macro-economic developments and household income developments). Used in: SPPM dashboard, JAF

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