Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Housing deprivation (0- 17)

Indicator name Housing deprivation (0- 17)
Code IC-P16
Periodicity Annual
Detailed definition Percentage of the population deprived of each housing deprivation item. The items considered are: (1) leaking roof, damp walls/floors/foundation, or rot in window frames or floor; (2) lack of bath or shower in the dwelling; (3) lack of indoor flushing toilet for sole use of the household; (4) problems with the dwelling: too dark, not enough light
Breakdowns By age (0-17, 0-5, 6-11, 12-17) By at-risk-of-poverty status (i.e. above or below the threshold)
Source Eurostat – EU-SILC
SPC portfolio section Investing in Children - access to quality services

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