Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion


Indicator name Childcare
Code IC-S3
Periodicity Annual
Detailed definition Children cared for (by formal arrangements other than the family) as a proportion of all children in the same age group. Formal arrangements are defined as the following services: pre-school or equivalent, compulsory education, centre-based services outside school hours, a collective creche or another day-care centre, including family day-care and professional certified child-minders. The care by family members, neighbours or non-certified childminders is therefore not included under this definition of ´formal arrangements´.
Breakdowns Less than 3 years, between 3 years and mandatory school age; less than 30h, 30h or more a week
Comments/ Policy relevance Relevance of breakdown by income quintile to be assessed
Source Eurostat – EU-SILC
SPC portfolio section Investing in Children - access to resources

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