Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

At-risk-of-poverty or social exclusion for children (0-17)

Indicator name At-risk-of-poverty or social exclusion for children (0-17)
Code IC-P1
Periodicity Annual
Detailed definition The share of children (aged 0-17) who live in a household which is at risk of poverty and/or severely materially deprived and/or a (quasi-)jobless household (i.e. with very low work intensity)
Breakdowns Age (0-17, 0-5, 6-11, 12-17)
Comments/ Policy relevance Breakdown of the Europe 2020 poverty and social exclusion headline target. Comparison with the working-age population (18-64) and the elderly population (65+) is recommended
Source Eurostat – EU-SILC
SPC portfolio section Investing in Children - combating child poverty

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