Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Self-reported unmet need for dental care (examination)

Indicator name Self-reported unmet need for dental care (examination)
Code HC-P2
Type (EU indicator/ NAT - national indicator) NAT
Periodicity Annual
Detailed definition Total self-reported unmet need for dental care for the following three reasons: financial barriers + waiting times + too far to travel. To be analysed together with dental care utilisation defined as the number of visits to the dentist.
Breakdowns Gender Age groups: 18-44; 45-54; 55-64; 65+; 75+; 18-64 Income quintile
Comments/ Policy relevance Future developments: resolve discrepancies in EU-SILC translation between countries. – To look at care utilisation Member States could use the number of dentist consultations per capita based on OECD health data and national sources for non-OECD members. Additional source of data is the EHIS.
Source Eurostat – EU-SILC EHIS, OECD health data, national data
SPC portfolio section Health and LTC - access and inequalities

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