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Back Regions in Europe — 2021 interactive edition

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Updated with 2019 and 2020 data EU Member States are often compared with each other, but in reality it can be difficult to contrast small countries like Luxembourg or Malta with larger ones such as France or Germany. Analysing data at a regional level can highlight disparities either across the EU or within countries, such as an east-west divide in Germany or a north-south divide in Italy.

The interactive publication Regions in Europe — statistics visualised offers a range of interactive visualisations accompanied by short texts that allow you to compare your region with other regions in Europe. The publication is divided into three principal sections: people and society, economic activities, the environment and natural resources.

Electronic format

Browse interactive publication (EN)
Release date: 7 October 2021

Additional information

Product code: KS-09-21-299
ISBN 978-92-76-40517-7
Theme: General and regional statistics
Collection: Interactive publications