Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

27/06/2023 Brussels

A Union of Equality: Disability Rights and Strategies

A seminar on examples of how to reach equality by using strategies to realize the rights of persons with disabilities.

Female adult with four children looking at the camera

© Johner Bildbyrå

Persons with disabilities have the right to participate in society on equal terms with others. People's different backgrounds or abilities should not be decisive for such participation. Disability policy aims to create pre-conditions for inclusion and the realisation of human rights of all persons with disabilities.

In order to highlight and raise awareness of the EU strategy for the rights of persons with disability, as well as other disability strategies  from EU Member States and to facilitate the important exchange of knowledge and experiences, the Swedish government is organising a seminar on disability policy during the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the European Union 2023. This seminar is co-hosted with the European Commision and takes place back to back to the Disability platform on 27 June 2023.

In this seminar, examples of policy frameworks as well as practical solutions on how to improve equality will be presented and discussed. Methods for including persons with disability in the development processes of all matters that concern them will also be highlighted.

The agenda will be available soon.

As places are limited, participation is on invitation only. For more information, please contact empl-disability-platform@ec.europa.eu.

Live stream

You can watch the seminar live


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