Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

14/11/2019 - 15/11/2019 Valletta

Second Structured Dialogue on Minimum Income Implementation

The second Structured Dialogue on Minimum Income Implementation will take place on 14-15 November 2019 in Valletta, Malta with the participation of national experts working at public authorities implementing national schemes.

© Skitterphoto

The purpose of this meeting is to explore the design and implementation aspects of national minimum incomes schemes, and in particular their interaction with beneficiaries at work. It will also focus on the complementarity of minimum income schemes with in-work and in-kind benefits and services, as well as taxation.

The meeting will build on the exchanges that took place in Greece during the first Structured Dialogue (2-3 July 2019). The event gave experts from public authorities the possibility to discuss similarities and differences among national schemes and learn from each other to support the realisation and implementation of Principle 14 of the European Pillar of Social Rights, calling for adequate, accessible and enabling minimum income schemes across Europe.

During the second Structured Dialogue, the exchange will be focussed on three aspects of the minimum income schemes:

  • The design and availability of minimum income schemes for those at work;
  • Their interaction with minimum wage settings, in work benefits and taxation to facilitate labour market participation;
  • The synergies and links between minimum income schemes and various in-kind benefits and services, and how to assess and to monitor them.

Mutual learning will be facilitated by a mixture of presentations and discussions in working groups.

Registration to this event is by invitation only.


For any queries on this event, please send an email to the organisers and to the functional mailbox.

14/11/2019- 15/11/2019

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