Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

11/10/2018 - 12/10/2018 Brussels

14th High Level Meeting between the International Labour Organization and the European Commission

On 11 and 12 October, the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the European Commission will hold their 14th high-level meeting in Brussels.

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It will be co-chaired by ILO Deputy Director-General Mr Moussa Oumarou  and European Commission Director-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Mr Joost Korte. This year meeting will take place while the ILO is preparing its Centenary (1919-2019) that will be centred on the Future of Work. 

Joost Korte will head a delegation bringing together different EU services dealing with employment and social issues, development cooperation, trade, maritime and transport and policies and gender equality as well as with coordination and external relations and the support of many.

Senior management across both institutions will share visions and policy priorities, review achievements of the partnership established and identify areas for cooperation over the year ahead with the aim to promote decent work in the EU, in third countries and at global level, guided by the Sustainable Development Goals.

High-level discussions will be held on 12 October on the following topics:

  • Future of work and the European Pillar of Social Rights
  • Promotion of international labour standards; Trade and labour
  • Partnership and cooperation for sustainable development
  • Promoting women's rights and gender equality in the world of work
  • Stepping up the ILO-EU partnership for the ILO Centenary

There will also be technical meetings on 11 October to discuss:

  • Decent work in Global supply chains
  • Migration, refugees and decent work in fragile contexts
  • Mega-events and labour standards • Maritime and fishing issues and ship recycling
  • EU External Investment Plan
  • Joint research
  • Cooperation in Asia
  • Balkans, Eastern Europe and Central Asia 

In a changing world of work and challenging global context, the High Level Meeting will be an opportunity for the ILO and the Commission to reaffirm their partnership and commit to closely work together on issues of common concern in the year ahead.

11/10/2018- 12/10/2018

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