Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 04/09/2019

Brexit ‘no-deal' preparedness: EGF to support those most affected by a ‘no-deal' scenario

In its 6th Brexit preparedness Communication, the Commission has proposed for the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) to be made available to support workers most affected by a ‘no-deal' scenario. This and other proposals need to be agreed by the European Parliament and the Council.

With 8 weeks to go until the United Kingdom's withdrawal from the EU on 31 October 2019, the Commission has reiterated its call on all stakeholders in the EU27 to prepare for a ‘no-deal' scenario.

In light of the continued uncertainty in the United Kingdom regarding the ratification of the Withdrawal Agreement and the overall domestic political situation, a ‘no-deal' scenario on 1 November 2019, remains a possible, although undesirable, outcome.

Providing EU financial support to those most affected

The Commission announced in its fourth Brexit Preparedness Communication of 10 April 2019 that technical and financial assistance from the EU can be made available in certain areas to support those most affect by a ‘no-deal' scenario.

In addition to existing programmes and instruments, the Commission has proposed to ensure that the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund is available to support workers and self-employed persons who are made redundant as a result of a ‘no-deal' scenario, subject to certain conditions.

Preparing for a ‘no-deal' scenario

In a ‘no-deal' scenario, the UK will become a third country without any transitional arrangements. All EU primary and secondary law will cease to apply to the UK from that moment onwards. There will be no transition period, as provided for in the Withdrawal Agreement.

Since December 2017, the European Commission has been preparing for a ‘no-deal' scenario. To date, the Commission has tabled 19 legislative proposals, all of which have now been adopted by the European Parliament and Council. The Commission has also adopted 63 non-legislative acts and published 100 preparedness notices.

The Commission does not plan any new measures ahead of the new withdrawal date.

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