Sysselsättning, socialpolitik och inkludering

Social trygghet och social delaktighet - videoklipp

Längd:1'07'' / Datum: Apr 2015

The Access City Award is the european prize for making cities more accessible to people with disabilities and older people. Logroño, (Spain), was awarded a special mention in the field of the built environment and public spaces of the of the Access City Award 2015: 'Logroño has been working on accessibility issues since 1995 and in 1996 set the ambitious objective of making the city totally accessible. The city has dropped pavements, brought in raised pedestrian crossings and tactile paving for the visually impaired. It has also installed acoustic warnings on 100%'.

Videoklippet går att ladda ner hos EU-kommissionens enhet för audiovisuella tjänster

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