Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 24/03/2023

Social partners in the sugar sector launch joint statement supporting that imported products should meet the same conditions than EU products

In view of new free trade negotiations, social partners advocate for mirror clauses in sugar trade to guarantee a fair competition in the sector. Mirror clauses aim to guarantee that imported products are produced under the same social and environmental standards as EU products.

Laborers are loading bags of sugar on truck at industrial factory.

© Shutterstock

In its recent joint position paper, the EU social partners in the sugar sector underline the importance of sustainability and delivering on the green transition while remaining competitive on the world market.

The European Association of Sugar Manufacturers (CEFS) and the European Federation of Food, Agriculture and Tourism Sectors Trade Unions (EFFAT) call for all third country sugar entering the EU market to comply with:

  • all relevant international conventions on labour, social rights and the environment;
  • EU legislation and EU standards of production, mainly on chemicals and plant protection products, nutrients management and water management; and
  • corporate due diligence and corporate accountability.

Read the full CEFS and EFFAT position on mirror clauses.


The joint position paper links with the new multiannual work programme of the Sugar EU Sector Social Dialogue Committee.

Besides challenges related to trade, the work programme also covers the crucial issues of attracting new workforce to the sugar sector, as well as training, upskilling and reskilling.

These are key issues under the EU Skills Agenda and the forthcoming European Year of Skills.

Joint outcomes of EU sector social dialogue fall within the autonomy of social partners. The Commission promotes the work of social partners at EU level with its recently adopted Social Dialogue Initiative.

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