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Europos prisitaikymo prie globalizacijos padarinių fondas atleistiems darbuotojams (EGF) - Susiję vaizdo siužetai

Trukmė:1:00 / datą: Oct 2017

The European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) helps people who have been made redundant as a result of globalisation. This video features three personal stories from Italy, Belgium and Finland: Cristina, from Italy, who lost her job following the closure of the Whirlpool factory in Trento and now, thanks to the EGF, is a quality manager in a glass factory; Amine, a young, unemployed man from Belgium who is now training for a job with EGF funding; and Asko, who lost his job following the closure of the Nokia factory in Finland and, thanks to the EGF, was able to retrain and find a job as a Production Manager at Skulle Implants Ltd.

Parsisiųsti vaizdo siužetą galima Europos Komisijos audiovizualinių paslaugų svetainėje

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