Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 04/08/2023

Report of the 2023 EQAVET Annual Network Meeting now available

The report summarises the presentations, discussions and main messages from the EQAVET Annual Network Meeting of 15-16th June 2023 in Stockholm

Report of the 2023 EQAVET Annual Network Meeting now available

On 15-16th of June 2023, 72 participants from 29 countries (including 3 non-Member States) gathered for the EQAVET Annual Network Meeting in Stockholm. EQAVET National Reference Points (NRPs) as well as staff members from the European Commission, European Training Foundation, Cedefop and thematic experts addressed a range of topics linked to quality assurance of Vocational Education and Training (VET) via presentations and interactive discussions.

During the ANM, the European Commission underlined its focus on the digital transition and outlined the range of activities related to the European Year of Skills. In a panel discussion, EQAVET Network members discussed how VET providers can introduce digital learning and improve digital skills, and how to quality assure their efforts.

Participants also had the chance to exchange in three parallel workshops on the following topics: quality assurance in CVET/professional further education; improving the monitoring of VET through a graduate tracking mechanism; and QA of the system of validation of non-formal and informal learning.

The report summarising the presentations, discussions and main messages from the EQAVET Annual Network Meeting is now available online.

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