Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 17/11/2017

EU Leaders proclaim the European Pillar of Social Rights

European Union leaders have solemnly proclaimed the European Pillar of Social Rights at the Social Summit for fair jobs and growth in Gothenburg, Sweden.

The Pillar was first announced by European Commission President Juncker in his 2015 State of the Union Address and presented by the Commission in April 2017. Today it was signed by President Juncker for the European Commission, President Tajani for the European Parliament and Prime Minister Ratas for the Council of the European Union.

On this occasion, President Juncker said: "The Pillar – and Europe‘s social dimension as a whole – will only be as strong as we allow it to be. This is a joint responsibility and it starts at national, regional and local level, with a key role for social partners and civil society. Therefore, while fully respecting and embracing the different approaches which exist across Europe, we all now need to turn commitments into action. Europeans deserve nothing less".

Official text of the European Pillar of Social Rights

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