Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 16/03/2018

300 participants celebrating 10 years of the European Qualifications Framework

More than 300 people from employment, education and training organisations joined the first day of "The European Qualifications Framework: supporting learning, work and cross border mobility" conference on 15 March in Brussels.

Participants discussed the following topics in interactive workshops:

  • How has the European Qualifications Framework (EQF), and its focus on learning outcomes, supported the modernisation of education and training systems?
  • How has the EQF helped build trust and increase transparency and comparability of qualifications?
  • How do qualifications frameworks facilitate validation of non-formal and informal learning?
  • How can qualifications frameworks support the recognition of qualifications?
  • What is the role of social partners and other stakeholders in the EQF process and what are their future expectations?
  • How have the EQF and the development of qualifications frameworks supported international and global cooperation?

The second day of the conference will be opened by Ann Branch, Acting Director for Skills at the European Commission and Denitsa Sacheva, Deputy Minister of Education and Science in Bulgaria.

Web streaming

Tune in through the web streaming  and don't miss:

  • the keynote speech by Grant Klinkum, deputy CEO of the New Zealand Qualifications Authority,
  • three high-level panel discussions exploring how the EQF can
    • support lifelong learning and flexible learning pathways,
    • improve the understanding of qualifications in the labour market and reply to labour market needs and
    • support cross border mobility of learners and workers.

Photos and videos

You can find pictures from the conference on the Flickr account of DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion.

Check out the videos of the conference:

Want to know more?

Download the EQF brochure and infographic.

Follow the discussions on Twitter and share the videos and the communication materials by using the hashtag #EQF_EU.

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