Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

28/02/2023 - 01/03/2023

Thematic Learning Dialogue: Austria – Systematic Quality Management

This Thematic Learning Dialogue (TLD) discussed the topic of Systematic Quality Management. Over a day and a half, Public Employment Service (PES) representatives from Ireland, Luxembourg, Slovakia and Slovenia addressed how they work internally on this topic, supported by peer PES from the Austrian host, AMS.

The TLD featured presentations on:

  • Quality Management in the AMS - The system of planning, steering, further development and controlling in the AMS, according to the EFQM model, Austrian PES;
  • Ensuring high-quality counselling through supporting professional development of counsellors, Estonian PES.

Participating PES identified crucial needs in relation to their work on Systematic Quality Management, potential need for further information and support, as well as ways of adapting the approach presented by the Austrian and Estonian PES to their institutional, organisational and economic conditions.

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