Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 06/03/2024

EAN launches survey to address mental well-being of apprentices

Apprenticeships offer a gateway for individuals to gain valuable hands-on experience and develop skills relevant to their chosen fields. However, amidst the focus on practical training and skill acquisition, the mental well-being of apprentices often remains under the radar. Recognising this gap, the European Apprentices Network (EAN) has launched a survey to delve into the mental health and well-being of apprentices, encompassing the challenges they face, potential solutions and effective practices.

The survey is open to all apprentices. It aims to gather comprehensive data that can inform proactive measures to safeguard the mental health and well-being of apprentices throughout their training journey. By understanding the specific needs and concerns of apprentices, EAN hopes to foster a supportive environment that promotes their overall well-being. 

The findings of the survey will be shared later in the year, providing valuable insights to apprentice organisations, training providers and policymakers. These insights will serve as a foundation for implementing evidence-based initiatives that address the mental health and well-being needs of apprentices, fostering a supportive and nurturing learning environment. 

For more comprehensive results, we encourage all EAfA members and other organisations interested in the topic to share the survey with their current and past apprentices. 

Take part in the survey now or help us spread the word by sharing the survey link within your network. The survey will close on Friday, April 19 and responses are fully anonymous. 

For any questions or to receive further information on this survey, please reach out to ean@obessu.org or EANmentalhealth@ecorys.com.  

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